Slick & Twisted Trails blog: Ebook & opt-in page

The job:
This trekking blog had decent traffic but subscribers to e-mail updates were only trickling in. I wanted to build up this list in a relatively short amount of time.

The solution:
I created an “ethical bribe” to entice people to subscribe to blog updates. Everyone who signed up received a 24-page PDF guide about hidden hiking trails, which was tailored to attract the exact type of reader that Slick & Twisted Trails caters to.

But most importantly, I created a persuasive landing page that highlighted the benefits of the PDF guide to increase opt-ins. After two rounds of split-testing, this page converted at an average of 41% (with a mix of both targeted and cold traffic).

After driving traffic to this page with a low-cost news release and social media promotion, the subscriber list for Slick & Twisted Trails increased by 52% in one month.

S&TT opt-in page